Hi All,
For next week the plan is to:
Keep reading chapter 3; there is a lot of stuff here that is new for many of us and will certainly keep us busy.
Work on Artin-Wedderburn worksheet (attatched).
Work on Exercises 10/29/24 worksheet (attatched).
I will also be writing a worksheet on some foundations of representation theory, so that we are all on the same page. I will send this out once it is finished, but that might not be until early next week. In any case, I will hand …
[View More]it out during next weeks meeting.
Please stop by if you have questions!
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Hi all,
My apologies for this email coming at you a bit later in the week than usual.
For the meeting next week please read 3.2-3.3 in the text.
Also, I would like to point out that there is a tentative schedule for reading assignments on the website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://caabsatunl.github.io/CAABS/current.html…
Thank you for you patience!
Hi all,
This is a friendly reminder that we will be meeting tomorrow at the same time and place as usual. Another friendly reminder is that we have the following presentations of solutions to problems tomorrow:
Anna and Nawaj: Problem 4
Taylor and Kesavan: Problems 2 and 3
If you are not able to solve your problem by the time we meet, don't worry! You can tell us about your thoughts on it, and we can try and solve it together. If you are not able to work on it due to other commitments, …
[View More]please let me know as soon as possible just so that I can shift things around if needed.
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Hi all,
I wanted to remind you that there will be no meeting next week. In lieu of a meeting, I ask that you read 2.4--2.5 and 3.1. Here are the problem assignments for presentations on 10/15 (the problem numbering is based on the attached exercise sheet)
Anna and Nawaj: Problem 4
Taylor and Kesavan: Problems 2 and 3
If you are not able to solve your problem by the time we meet, don't worry! You can tell us about your thoughts on it, and we can try and solve it together. If you are not able …
[View More]to work on it due to other commitments, please let me know as soon as possible just so that I can shift things around if needed.
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