Hi Everyone,

I wanted to share with you a website (that is currently under construction) for CAABS: https://caabsatunl.github.io/CAABS/ Here I am planning to post reading assignments for meetings as well as a possible collaborative overleaf document that we will fill with solutions to exercises as the semester runs its course. While reading assignments will go up on the website, I will always send them through the list, as well.

Furthermore, for those of you who want to get started on reading some invariant theory, we will hit the ground running Tuesday September 3rd and discuss sections 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 from the aforementioned text Classical Invariant Theory a Primer by Kraft and Procesi. You'll find many exercises in these sections (and in the book at large), which you are strongly encouraged to try out; we will work on some of these exercises in groups when we meet, as well. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Shah or me.
