Good Evening Everyone, 
          It has been some time since you heard from me, but I am reaching out to you all again with great news. Back on October 10,2024 in a Student Government Association(SGA) Senate Business meeting your feedback regarding wellness at UNO, as well as your experiences and interactions with SGA received by my survey that many of you participated back in September was presented to the entire SGA Legislative Branch.

         The results of the survey brought to light SGA current disconnect with Student Organizations (RSO) here at the University of Nebraska at Omaha(UNO). Once I brought this issue to the SGA Legislative Branch, I knew we as the Student Voice here at UNO needed to take steps towards becoming more connected not only with our RSO's but the entire student body. So, I presented my "Resolution for Consistent and Active Communication with the Student Body" this resolution that I am happy to announce that it was unanimously passed by our student senator's represents SGA commitment on connecting with our student body and to work with the student body to make UNO a place where all student's feel seen, heard, welcomed and loved.  

         While I’m very pleased that this resolution has passed, I know our work is far from over and that this is only the beginning of our journey of working together as a student community. SGA is already taking steps to be more consistent and active in communicating and connecting with the student body. Regent & Student Body President Ishani Adidam has asked me to share two of these initiatives with you. The first being the new Student Organization (RSO) Council, and the second being the launch of the new SGA Newsletter. These initiatives are just the start of our mission to collaborate and connect more consistently and actively with the student body, RSO's, and all UNO student communities. For more details on these steps, please read below

RSO Council: November 15th from 11am to 12pm. RSVP Here:
SGA Newsletter Mailing List:
         Thank you all again for your feedback, without it none of this would have been possible. In all communities, all sorts of challenges come knocking at the door. Facing these challenges alone can be really hard, but I believe that by standing together as a united UNO student community, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. I look forward to working together towards making UNO a place where all students feel seen, heard, welcomed and loved.


Carlos Irizarry Gumbs 

Student Wellness Coordinator for the Student Government Association(SGA)